Ancient Fruits


You may not have ever given it much thought, but the fruit you find on the shelves at the grocery store are not there because they’re the most flavorful, freshest, or most delicious fruit.

More than likely they’re there because they survived the journey.

Which is to say, imagine what you’re missing out on because a fruit might simply not be shippable even if it’s otherwise delicious.

The Italian white fig, one of Silvano Buccolini’s favorite projects, is a perfect example. Its delicate and tender flesh can’t withstand the bruising and battering of being smashed into crates and shipped great distances. As a result, it has disappeared completely as something you can take home from the store.

Which is one of the many reasons Silvano has revived this ancient fruit and invented or rekindled recipes that make it possible to preserve, transport, and enjoy this wonderful fruit.

But growing, handling, and processing fruits like the fig, Jujube, or wild sour cherries requires skill, knowledge, and significant investments of time that is challenging to bring to market.

You can see everything that Agricola SiGi offers at their web site.




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